Raphaëlle Delaunay

From social dances to pop culture Raphaëlle Delaunay brews and embraces the diversity of dances of the black diaspora

Solo Forest
4:45–5:45 pm
Parkway Trees, outside

Trained at the Royal School of Dance in London and the Paris Opera School, where she joined the corps de ballet, Raphaëlle Delaunay then danced for Pina Bausch at Tanztheater Wuppertal. After numerous collaborations with choreographers and directors (Jiří Kylián, Alain Platel, Alain Buffard, Boris Charmatz, Frédéric Fisbach, and Guillaume Vincent), in 2005 she created Games of intention, first in a long series of creations. In 2017, she created Soma and 20 shades, a commission for the students of the Centre national de la danse contemporaine in Angers, France.